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Terraria Wiki
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Provides certain information about a language based on its ISO 639-1 code.


{{ langInfo | <language code> | <stat> }}

First unnamed parameter

Official ISO 639-1 code of the language. For a list of codes, see the List of ISO 639-1 codes on Wikipedia.

Second unnamed parameter

Information to query. Can be one of the following:

Stat name Description Example codes
en fr ru hi zh
name Common (English) name of the language Englisch Französisch Russisch Hindi Chinesisch
fullname Full (English) name of the language Englische Sprache Französische Sprache Russische Sprache Hindi Chinesische Sprachen
lname Endonym (local name of the language) English français русский हिन्दी 中文
wplink Link to the language's local Wikipedia article English français Русский язык हिन्दी 汉语
countrycode ISO 3166-1 code of the country that the language is commonly associated with us fr ru in cn

The fullname stat is also equal to the title of the English Wikipedia article about the language.
