Terraria Wiki
Terraria Wiki
(Automated Import)
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
// Disable triggering of new browser tab when clicking URL links that point to internal wiki addresses (purge, edit, etc)
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
/* Front Page 3-column height equalization *
// Author: Shawn Bruckner
// Date: 2013-Sept-21
// License: CC-BY 3.0
// Version: beta
// Select links to new tabs for Template:ilnt and Template:elnt
var fp = fp || {
equalizeColumns : function() {
$('.linkNewTab a').each(function(){
$( '.fpmain' ).each( function () {
fp.resetSectionBoxHeights( $( this ).find( '.fpsection1, .fpsection2, .fpsection3, .fpsection4' ) );
} );
// Implement border-collapse + border-radius workaround for "terraria"-class tables
if ( $( '.fpsection1' ).first().css( 'float' ) === "left" ) {
/* (temporarily?) disabled, broke display for tables with percentage widths
// we're in either 2 or 3 column view
if ( $( '.fpsection4' ).first().css( 'clear' ) === "none" ) {
$( '.fpmain' ).each( function (index) {
var leftHeight = $( this ).find( '.fpsection1' ).height() + $( this ).find( '.fpsection4' ).height();
.wrap('<table class="terraria outer"></table>');
var rightHeight = $( this ).find( '.fpsection2' ).height() + $( this ).find( '.fpsection3' ).height();
var difference = Math.abs( rightHeight - leftHeight );
// Disable creation of non-talk pages by anonymous IP editors and link to registration (also disabled by abuse filter but this provides warning before attempting edit)
if ( leftHeight < rightHeight ) {
var wgPageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( '.fpsection1, .fpsection4' ) );
var wgUserName = mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' );
} else if ( rightHeight < leftHeight ) {
fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( '.fpsection2, .fpsection3' ) );
var isTalk = false, isAnon = false;
if (wgPageName.indexOf('talk:') > -1 || wgPageName.indexOf('Talk:') > -1) isTalk = true;
} );
if (wgUserName === null) isAnon = true;
} else {
$( '.fpmain' ).each( function (index) {
if (isAnon == true){
var leftHeight = $( this ).find( '.fpsection1' ).height() + $( this ).find( '.fpsection4' ).height();
var middleHeight = $( this ).find( '.fpsection2' ).height();
var rightHeight = $( this ).find( '.fpsection3' ).height();
var href = $(this).attr('href');
$(this).attr('href', href.replace(/&action=edit/g, '') );
var maxHeight = Math.max( leftHeight, middleHeight, rightHeight );
if ( leftHeight < maxHeight ) {
fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( maxHeight - leftHeight, $( this ).find( '.fpsection1, .fpsection4' ) );
if (isAnon == true && isTalk == false) {
var anonWarnText = 'Page creation by anonymous editors is currently disabled. <br> To create this page, please <a href="http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Special:CreateAccount">register an account</a> first.';
if ( middleHeight < maxHeight ) {
$('body').append('<div class="anonWarnOverlay" style="display:none; background-color: #000; opacity: 0.4; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 500;"></div>');
fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( maxHeight - middleHeight, $( this ).find( '.fpsection2' ) );
$('body').prepend('<div class="anonWarnBox" style="display:none; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; box-shadow: 7px 7px 5px #000; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.5em; z-index: 501; opacity: 1; position: fixed; width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 30%; background: #F7F7F7; border: #222 ridge 1px; padding: 20px;">' + anonWarnText + '</div>');
if ( rightHeight < maxHeight ) {
var newSelect = 'a.new, #ca-edit a:contains(Create), #ca-ve-edit a:contains(Create), a.external.text:contains(edit this page)';
fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( maxHeight - rightHeight, $( this ).find( '.fpsection3' ) );
if ($(this).attr('title').search(/talk\:/gi) < 0) {
} );
$(this).attr('href', '#').click(function(){
// AJAX tables
function addAjaxDisplayLink() {
$("table.ajax").each(function (i) {
var table = $(this).attr("id", "ajaxTable" + i);
var headerLinks = $('<span style="float: right;">').appendTo(table.find('th').first());
var cell = table.find("td").first(), needLink = true;
if (cell.hasClass("showLinkHere")) {
var old = cell.html(), rep = old.replace(/\[link\](.*?)\[\/link\]/, '<a href="javascript:;" class="ajax-load-link">$1</a>');
if (rep != old) {
needLink = false;
if (needLink) headerLinks.html('[<a href="javascript:;" class="ajax-load-link">show data</a>]');
table.find(".ajax-load-link").parent().andSelf().filter('a').click(function(event) {
var sourceTitle = table.data('ajax-source-page'), baseLink = mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?';
cell.text('Please wait, the content is being loaded...');
$.get(baseLink + $.param({ action: 'render', title: sourceTitle }), function (data) {
if (data) {
if (cell.find("table.sortable").length) {
mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function() {
headerLinks.append($('<a>edit</a>').attr('href', baseLink + $.param({ action: 'edit', title: sourceTitle })));
var shown = true;
$("<a href='javascript:;'>hide</a>").click(function() {
shown = !shown;
shown ? cell.show() : cell.hide();
$(this).text(shown ? "hide" : "show");
}).error(function() {
cell.text('Unable to load table; the source article for it might not exist.');
// Crazyegg tracking script
findAdjustableSectionBoxes : function ( sections ) {
setTimeout(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");
var boxes = sections.find( '.fpbox.fpgreedy' );
var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
a.src=document.location.protocol+"//script.crazyegg.com/pages/scripts/0011/8371.js?"+Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/3600000);
a.async=true;a.type="text/javascript";b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)}, 1);
if ( boxes.length === 0 ) {
return sections.find( '.fpbox' ).not( '.fpnoresize' );
} else {
return boxes;
resetSectionBoxHeights : function ( sections ) {
$(window).on('load', function(){
fp.findAdjustableSectionBoxes( sections ).each( function () {
$( this ).height( 'auto' );
} );
// desktop view for mobile screen.
adjustSectionBoxHeights : function ( heightToAdd, sections ) {
var $btn = $('#mw-panel .resize-sensor');
var boxes, lastBox, remainingHeightToAdd, boxHeightToAdd;
var $menu = $('#mw-panel .portal');
boxes = fp.findAdjustableSectionBoxes( sections );
$btn.on('click', function(){
lastBox = boxes.last();
remainingHeightToAdd = heightToAdd;
boxHeightToAdd = Math.floor( heightToAdd / boxes.length );
//main page header.
boxes.each( function() {
var $btn = $('#mf-wikiheader #mf-wikiheader-toggle-link');
if ( this === lastBox.get( 0 ) ) {
$( this ).height( $( this ).height() + remainingHeightToAdd );
} else {
var $box = $('#mf-wikiheader');
$btn.css('display', 'inline');
$( this ).height( $( this ).height() + boxHeightToAdd );
if($box.innerHeight() > 180){
remainingHeightToAdd -= boxHeightToAdd;
$btn.on('click', function(){
} );
$( document ).ready( fp.equalizeColumns );
///* Front Page column height equalization *
$( window ).resize( fp.equalizeColumns );
//// Author: Shawn Bruckner
/* End Front Page column height equalization *
//// Date: 2015-Feb-12
//// License: CC-BY 3.0
//// Version: beta
//var fp = fp || {
// equalizeColumns : function() {
// $( '.fpcontent' ).each( function () {
// fp.resetSectionBoxHeights( $( this ).find( '#fptopsection, #fpflexsection, #fpbottomsection' ) );
// } );
// var excludeSel = '';
// if ( $( '.fpmaybercol' ).css( 'float' ) == 'right' ) {
// excludeSel = '.fpmaybercol'; // at this width, it's necessary to hit those boxes in a separate pass after .fpcontent
// }
// if ( $( '#fpflexsection' ).css( 'float' ) == 'right' ) {
// fp.equalizeColumnsOfBlock( '.fpcontent',
// '#fptopsection, #fpbottomsection',
// '#fpbottomsection',
// '#fpflexsection',
// '#fpflexsection',
// excludeSel
// );
// }
// if ( $( '.fpmaybercol' ).css( 'float' ) == 'right' ) {
// fp.equalizeColumnsOfBlock( '.fpmaybecols',
// '.fpmaybelcol',
// '.fpmaybelcol',
// '.fpmaybercol',
// '.fpmaybercol',
// ''
// );
// }
// },
// equalizeColumnsOfBlock : function( blockSel, leftSel, leftBottomSel, rightSel, rightBottomSel, excludeSel ) {
// $( blockSel ).each( function ( index ) {
// var tryCount = 0;
// do {
// var leftBottom = $( this ).find( leftBottomSel ).offset().top + $( this ).find( leftBottomSel ).height();
// var rightBottom = $( this ).find( rightBottomSel ).offset().top + $( this ).find( rightBottomSel ).height();
// var difference = Math.round( Math.abs( rightBottom - leftBottom ) );
// if ( leftBottom < rightBottom ) {
// fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( leftSel ).not( excludeSel ) );
// } else if ( rightBottom < leftBottom ) {
// fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( rightSel ).not( excludeSel ) );
// }
// ++tryCount;
// } while ( Math.round( leftBottom ) != Math.round( rightBottom ) && tryCount < 4 );
// } );
// },
// resetSectionBoxHeights : function ( sections ) {
// sections.each( function () {
// $( this ).find( '.fpbox' ).each( function () {
// $( this ).height( 'auto' );
// } );
// } );
// },
// adjustSectionBoxHeights : function ( heightToAdd, sections ) {
// var boxCount = 0;
// sections.each( function() {
// boxCount += $( this ).find( '.fpbox' ).length;
// } );
// var avgHeightToAdd = heightToAdd / boxCount;
// var decimalPortion = 0.0;
// var boxes, heightToAdd;
// sections.each( function() {
// boxes = $( this ).find( '.fpbox' );
// boxes.each( function() {
// heightToAdd = Math.round( decimalPortion + avgHeightToAdd ); /* should iron out rounding error */
// decimalPortion += avgHeightToAdd - heightToAdd;
// $( this ).height( $( this ).height() + heightToAdd );
// } );
// } );
// }
//$( document ).ready( fp.equalizeColumns );
//$( window ).resize( fp.equalizeColumns );
///* End Front Page column height equalization *

Version vom 17. Juli 2018, 19:38 Uhr

// Disable triggering of new browser tab when clicking URL links that point to internal wiki addresses (purge, edit, etc)

// Select links to new tabs for Template:ilnt and Template:elnt
$('.linkNewTab a').each(function(){

// Implement border-collapse + border-radius workaround for "terraria"-class tables 
/* (temporarily?) disabled, broke display for tables with percentage widths 
	.wrap('<table class="terraria outer"></table>');

// Disable creation of non-talk pages by anonymous IP editors and link to registration (also disabled by abuse filter but this provides warning before attempting edit)
var wgPageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
var wgUserName = mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' );

var isTalk = false, isAnon = false;
if (wgPageName.indexOf('talk:') > -1 || wgPageName.indexOf('Talk:') > -1) isTalk = true;
if (wgUserName === null) isAnon = true;

if (isAnon == true){
        var href = $(this).attr('href');
        $(this).attr('href', href.replace(/&action=edit/g, '') );

if (isAnon == true && isTalk == false) {
    var anonWarnText = 'Page creation by anonymous editors is currently disabled. <br> To create this page, please <a href="http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Special:CreateAccount">register an account</a> first.';
    $('body').append('<div class="anonWarnOverlay" style="display:none; background-color: #000; opacity: 0.4; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 500;"></div>');					
    $('body').prepend('<div class="anonWarnBox" style="display:none; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; box-shadow: 7px 7px 5px #000; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.5em; z-index: 501; opacity: 1; position: fixed; width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 30%; background: #F7F7F7; border: #222 ridge 1px; padding: 20px;">' + anonWarnText + '</div>');

    var newSelect = 'a.new, #ca-edit a:contains(Create), #ca-ve-edit a:contains(Create), a.external.text:contains(edit this page)';
        if ($(this).attr('title').search(/talk\:/gi) < 0) {
            $(this).attr('href', '#').click(function(){

// AJAX tables
function addAjaxDisplayLink() {
	$("table.ajax").each(function (i) {
		var table = $(this).attr("id", "ajaxTable" + i);
		var headerLinks = $('<span style="float: right;">').appendTo(table.find('th').first());
		var cell = table.find("td").first(), needLink = true;
		if (cell.hasClass("showLinkHere")) {
			var old = cell.html(), rep = old.replace(/\[link\](.*?)\[\/link\]/, '<a href="javascript:;" class="ajax-load-link">$1</a>');
			if (rep != old) {
				needLink = false;
		if (needLink) headerLinks.html('[<a href="javascript:;" class="ajax-load-link">show data</a>]');
		table.find(".ajax-load-link").parent().andSelf().filter('a').click(function(event) {
			var sourceTitle = table.data('ajax-source-page'), baseLink = mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?';
			cell.text('Please wait, the content is being loaded...');
			$.get(baseLink + $.param({ action: 'render', title: sourceTitle }), function (data) {
				if (data) {
					if (cell.find("table.sortable").length) {
						mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function() {
					headerLinks.append($('<a>edit</a>').attr('href', baseLink + $.param({ action: 'edit', title: sourceTitle })));
					var shown = true;
					$("<a href='javascript:;'>hide</a>").click(function() {
						shown = !shown;
						shown ? cell.show() : cell.hide();
						$(this).text(shown ? "hide" : "show");
			}).error(function() {
				cell.text('Unable to load table; the source article for it might not exist.');


// Crazyegg tracking script
setTimeout(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");
var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
a.src=document.location.protocol+"//script.crazyegg.com/pages/scripts/0011/8371.js?"+Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/3600000);

a.async=true;a.type="text/javascript";b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)}, 1);

$(window).on('load', function(){

   // desktop view for mobile screen.
   var $btn = $('#mw-panel .resize-sensor');
   var $menu = $('#mw-panel .portal');
   $btn.on('click', function(){

   //main page header.
   var $btn = $('#mf-wikiheader #mf-wikiheader-toggle-link');
      var $box = $('#mf-wikiheader');
      $btn.css('display', 'inline');
      if($box.innerHeight() > 180){
      $btn.on('click', function(){

///* Front Page column height equalization *
//// Author:  Shawn Bruckner
//// Date:    2015-Feb-12
//// License: CC-BY 3.0
//// Version: beta
//var fp = fp || {
//  equalizeColumns : function() {
//    $( '.fpcontent' ).each( function () {
//      fp.resetSectionBoxHeights( $( this ).find( '#fptopsection, #fpflexsection, #fpbottomsection' ) );
//    } );
//    var excludeSel = '';
//    if ( $( '.fpmaybercol' ).css( 'float' ) == 'right' ) {
//      excludeSel = '.fpmaybercol'; // at this width, it's necessary to hit those boxes in a separate pass after .fpcontent
//    }
//    if ( $( '#fpflexsection' ).css( 'float' ) == 'right' ) {
//      fp.equalizeColumnsOfBlock( '.fpcontent',
//                                 '#fptopsection, #fpbottomsection',
//                                 '#fpbottomsection',
//                                 '#fpflexsection',
//                                 '#fpflexsection',
//                                 excludeSel
//                               );
//    }
//    if ( $( '.fpmaybercol' ).css( 'float' ) == 'right' ) {
//      fp.equalizeColumnsOfBlock( '.fpmaybecols',
//                                 '.fpmaybelcol',
//                                 '.fpmaybelcol',
//                                 '.fpmaybercol',
//                                 '.fpmaybercol',
//                                 ''
//                               );
//    }
//  },
//  equalizeColumnsOfBlock : function( blockSel, leftSel, leftBottomSel, rightSel, rightBottomSel, excludeSel ) {
//    $( blockSel ).each( function ( index ) {
//      var tryCount = 0;
//      do {
//        var leftBottom = $( this ).find( leftBottomSel ).offset().top + $( this ).find( leftBottomSel ).height();
//        var rightBottom = $( this ).find( rightBottomSel ).offset().top + $( this ).find( rightBottomSel ).height();
//        var difference = Math.round( Math.abs( rightBottom - leftBottom ) );
//        if ( leftBottom < rightBottom ) {
//          fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( leftSel ).not( excludeSel ) );
//        } else if ( rightBottom < leftBottom ) {
//          fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( rightSel ).not( excludeSel ) );
//        }
//        ++tryCount;
//      } while ( Math.round( leftBottom ) != Math.round( rightBottom ) && tryCount < 4 );
//    } );
//  },
//  resetSectionBoxHeights : function ( sections ) {
//    sections.each( function () {
//      $( this ).find( '.fpbox' ).each( function () {
//        $( this ).height( 'auto' );
//      } );
//    } );
//  },
//  adjustSectionBoxHeights : function ( heightToAdd, sections ) {
//    var boxCount = 0;
//    sections.each( function() {
//      boxCount += $( this ).find( '.fpbox' ).length;
//    } );
//    var avgHeightToAdd = heightToAdd / boxCount;
//    var decimalPortion = 0.0;
//    var boxes, heightToAdd;
//    sections.each( function() {
//      boxes = $( this ).find( '.fpbox' );
//      boxes.each( function() {
//        heightToAdd = Math.round( decimalPortion + avgHeightToAdd ); /* should iron out rounding error */
//        decimalPortion += avgHeightToAdd - heightToAdd;
//        $( this ).height( $( this ).height() + heightToAdd );
//      } );
//    } );
//  }
//$( document ).ready( fp.equalizeColumns );
//$( window ).resize( fp.equalizeColumns );
///* End Front Page column height equalization *