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Terraria Wiki
Kopfloser ReiterHardmode-exklusiv
Headless HorsemanOld-gen-Konsolenversion und Nintendo 3DS-Version
Classic mode icon Klassisch
Expert mode icon Experte
Master mode icon Meister
Max. Leben10000/15000/22500
100 %
Immun gegenIn Brand stehen!VerwirrtVergiftetHöllenfeuer
Fallen gelassene Gegenstände
  • Gegenstand (Anzahl)Rate
  • 100 %
  • groupgroup (Higher item drop chances in later waves [1])
    0 %
  • KürbislaternenmaskeKürbislaternenmaske
    0,83-5 %5 %

Der Kopfloser Reiter (engl. Headless Horseman) ist ein Hardmode-Gegner, welcher während des Kürbismonds-Events nach dem Besiegen von Plantera angetroffen werden kann, beginnend mit der neunter Runde.

The Headless Horseman is an exceptionally dangerous enemy due to its fast speed, high damage, and immunity to knockback. The Horseman's only attack is to charge forward and do a low, but quick jump to reach the player.

Er ist immun gegen alle negative Statuseffekte. Killing a Headless Horseman during the Pumpkin Moon event will add 25 points.


  • The Headless Horseman will flee at dawn unless it gets damaged by the player. However, in the Mobilversion Mobilversion, it does not flee at dawn.
  • In Classic mode, the Jack 'O Lantern Mask's drop chance increases linearly with the wave the Headless Horseman is defeated in (lowest drop chance in wave 9, highest drop chance in wave 15). In Expert or Meister-Modus, the drop rate is always 5%.
  • Despite having the name referring to the Headless Horseman, The Horseman's Blade is not a drop from the Horseman, but the Pumpking.


  • Due to its size, it cannot fit through 4 tile gaps or lower and can be taken out easily with ranged attacks.
  • Due to its immunity to knockback, it is ill-advised to attack it with close-range weapons since it can easily overwhelm the player. Hitting it with rapid fire weapons can still slow it down, however.
  • Similar to most of the Pumpkin Moon enemies, making an arena where you have plenty of space to fly around in can make it easier to take down. It is also possible to place some Wood Platforms high above the ground to fire down on it without fear of it reaching you, but a sufficiently long platform may allow more to spawn on it instead.
  • Its immunity to knockback can be used against it with weapons that do continuous damage, such as the Inferno Fork.
  • As it uses the same AI as the Unicorn enemy, it can be useful to practice avoiding the attacks of multiple Unicorns beforehand.


  • BestiaryBestiarium-Eintrag zu „Kopfloser Reiter“: Da dieser bedrohliche Albtraum keinen eigenen Kopf hat, reitet er des Nachts auf seinem Blindenpferd los, um lebendige Seelen zu holen.


  • Desktop
    • Grafik aktualisiert.
    • Kann nun sein eigenes Banner fallen lassen.
  • Desktop 1.2.1: Eingeführt.
  • Konsole 1.02: Eingeführt.
  • Switch 1.0.711.6: Eingeführt.
  • Mobil 1.2.6508: Eingeführt.
  • 3DS-Veröffentlichung: Eingeführt.


  1. Informationen stammen aus dem Desktopversion Desktop-Quellcode der Version, method RegisterBoss_PumpkinMoon() in Terraria.GameContent.ItemDropRules.ItemDropDatabase.cs Es kann Ungenauigkeiten bis hin zu Inkorrektheiten geben, weil die aktuelle Desktopversion Desktopversion ist.